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Day 5, Photo Blog of aging a neutral spirit on WHISKY STIKs and  FLAVOUR STIKs

On Day 5 of wood aging with the Whisky Stiks, the change is gradual. On the nose the small bottle has a wonderful smoke aroma and good oak taste but not too strong with less sharpness of the alcohol, I will leave this another day or two.

The large bottle has wonderful aromas of smoked oak and hickory, taste is still quite sharp and overpowers the wood tastes for now. Will leave this another 5 days and taste again.

Where we are so far;

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Community Results

Have a nice combination of flavours to share?

When combining your WHISKY STIKs or FLAVOUR STIKs you may come across a nice combination from your own experiments.

We have put this blog post here for you as part of the community of home brewers to leave their experience and how their mix has turned out.

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